How to put Spanish text in alphabetical order?

This resource is great for organizing any piece of writing. It can help students or teachers to easily look-up target vocabulary in a text. This app will also help if you want to look-up Spanish words, or find a word in a text a student is not familiar with. Just enter your Spanish text and then put it in alphabetical order.

Spanish text has accents so this app will sort the accented letters in the same way as letters without accents (so ñ will appear at the same place as n). You can choose whether you want the results in alphabetical (ABC) or reverse alphabetical (ZYX) order. You may also choose whether to sort the entries horizontally or vertically. Vertical sorting will alphabetize the first word on each line and horizontal sorting will put the words on a line in alphabetical order.

So what this means is if you have the following list:
La manzana El banano la cereza
El higo
La uva
La toronja
La mandarina el limon

That the sort horizontally will give you:
banano cereza El La la manzana
El higo
La uva
La toronja
el La limon mandarina

If you go for sort vertically, you will get:
El higo
La mandarina el limon
La manzana El banano la cereza
La toronja
La uva

Simply enter it into the text box and your text will be automatically sorted! Try it out now!




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