This converter is designed to help you convert common digit numbers into Spanish numbers. Spanish numbers can be very difficult for us to follow so this resource makes it easy.
WIth this converter you can:
Long numbers in Spanish can be really hard so this is a great way to find out how they translate into Arabic digits.
Spanish word numbers can be difficult to understand, but the do follow the same pattern as English word numbers. Numbers one to fifteen have their own word numbers. Numbers sixteen and nineteen are constructed as ten (diez, turned to dieci) plus the number. So 16 is dieciséis which diez = 10 plus seis = 6. Please note that these words are compound words.
Numbers 20 to 29 are constructed the same way, with the numbers written 20- = veinti-. For example, 23 is written veintitrés. Note that these words are also compound words.
From thirty onwards Spanish word numbers are quite simple. After 30 the multiples of ten all end in -enta (treinta, cuarenta, cincuenta, sesenta and so on). To make a number like 32, you just write out "thirty and two" (treitnta y dos). Remember that these Spanish word numbers consist of three seperate words. This is the case for every number up to 100.
We have lots of other resources for Spanish teachers and learners and you can also create Spanish number bingo sheets to test numbers knowledge.